samedi 22 novembre 2014

Ramasser des feuilles.

Sapin de Noël (AK)

Là ils ont disparu pour toujours
comme la place a été remplacée par une tour horloge
mais ils étaient très jolis. Un de quelques indices en Corée que c'est bientôt Noël.

AK Plaza, Bundang
en 2013 et 2014

Fête des lanternes (2)

Deux fois avec JS HJ TJ
Cheong Gye Cheon, nov. 2014

Fête des lanternes (1)

Une fois avec LS
Cheong Gye Cheon, nov. 2014

vendredi 21 novembre 2014

You shoul hope for the best
and prepare for the worst.

dimanche 16 novembre 2014

Une amie canadienne de Jeonju.
Artisée, Gangnam

Samedi, le ballet
Samedi, le boulot

Simple but not quite so simple.
Le premier jeudi du mois, Floating island.

Gemini_Linda Goodman

... will never take a train when she can fly. She'll never be silent when she can speak. She'll never turn away when she can help. And she'll never walk when she can run. Her mind is full of so many thoughts and her heart is full of so many hopes, she may seem to need a computer to sort it all out. Or does she just need someone who can run beside her and toss dreams with her-from here to tomorrow? If you're that man, she doesn't dare look over her shoulder to see if you're near. Some deep, unexplained fear within her keeps her from ever looking back. When you finally match her speed, get her to slow down to your pace. You can do it, if you hold her hand tightly and never let it go. Though Mercurial north winds drive her on, secretly she may long to rest awhile more than you know.

<지금 외롭다면 잘되고 있는 것이다/ 한상복>

The difference between loneliness and solitude.

學而不思則罔 思而不學則殆. 孔子

<지금 힘들다면 잘하고 있는 것이다/ 전옥표>

Self-fulfilling prophecy.

I saw the angel in the marble and I carved it until I set him free. Michelangelo

サラダ好きのライオン/ 村上 春樹


Un lion qui aime la salade/ Murakami Haruki
"Ne pas pouvoir oublier, ne pas pouvoir se souvenir"

lundi 10 novembre 2014

Sleep after toyle, port after stormie seas,
Ease after warre, death after life, does greatly please. Joseph Conrad

I knew if I stay around long enough, something like this would happen. George Bernard Shaw

mercredi 5 novembre 2014